Tag Archives: internet

Cryptic Crosswords

I vividly love doing cryptic crosswords, and the more difficult they are, the longer they take for me to complete, the more I enjoy them.
Maybe it’s because I love working/playing with words.
If I didn’t, I wouldn’t have this blog or my fiction blog.
I’m just saying.

A Tool, Or A Weapon

The Internet can be, and is, a wonderful tool for keeping in touch with family and friends, and for meeting new friends on message boards, in groups, and through blogs.
We can use social media to encourage, to congratulate, and, when need be, to console
But the Internet can also be a weapon, and at times a deadly weapon. It is a sad, a tragic fact that some people have committed suicide as a direct result of online attacks, and vicious rumors.
And online rumors can be spread so much more quickly than whispered ones.
I, personally, think that before people post cruel messages or gossip about another person, they should ask themselves at least some of these questions:
How would I feel if someone wrote this to or about me/my parents/my child?
Would I want my parents/my children/ my employer to know that I posted this?
Will I want to look back some day and remember that I posted this message?
Or better yet, “Is the person writing this post the person I really want to be?”
I wish more people would think seriously… perhaps “reflect” is a better word… before they send their messages.
I’m just saying.