Tag Archives: handy all-purpose word

Bad Headache

Well, is there any such thing as a good headache? No, but what I mean is a strong headache as opposed to a mild one. A strong headache, like the one I woke up with this morning.
I didn’t want to read. It even hurt just to think.
All I could do was go back to bed.
The whole morning was blown, shot, gone.
But I’m vividly thankful to say that I’ve completely recovered, which is obvious because otherwise I wouldn’t be blogging.
But besides being, well, a real headache, that headache was also a real pain in the neck!

Selective Re-viewing

I have several different ways of taping and re-viewing [not reviewing certain old and not-so-old favorite tv programs.
Recording and watching the entire run.
Taping only episodes that I especially like.
Taping episodes, but watching only my favorite scenes.
Before doing this, though, I look for those scenes on Youtube.
After all, my DVR does not have unlimited space,[I vividly wish it did!] and there are things on it that I’d rather not delete.

Popular Activity

It’s one of the most popular activities in the world, and most of us do it at least once within a 24-hour period.
Different people have different ways of preparing for this activity. Quite often, a change of clothing is involved. Reading something pleasant may also be part of the preliminaries. A light snack and/or a drink might be included. Sometimes there might be a song.
I, personally, look forward to this activity, and always have a vivid sense of well-being when I’ve done it well. And yet, when I’m actually doing it, I’m completely unaware.
You could even say that I’m sleeping.